Upcoming Events

Sundays, 9am EST (ongoing): Grounding and stabilizing movement (for mental health providers and caretakers)
30 minute online weekly sessions. Email ashleyfargnoli@gmail.com to reserve a spot 

Past Events

March 16-17, 2024: Un(Thread) MeshGround 
Performance with Mesh Ground 

May 12, 2022: Finding Our Ground (online): MeshGround
Our bodies respond to stress, trauma, and anxiety in many ways. This collective movement space will help participants ground through a guided and interactive movement experience. We will explore simple movement practices to help self-settle when feeling overwhelmed and to re-instill a sense of strength in our bodies to navigate these uncertain times.

May 8, 2022: Performance as Research/ Performance in Research
(Co-presenter with Dhanushka Seneviratne) 
This webinar will present a variety of approaches for using performance as a research methodology. Each presenter has used performance as a methodology of exploration and creation and will share the emergent design that evolved from their process. Using embodiment in engaging the creative process allows for a mobilization of resources including emotional, ancestral, ecological, social, spiritual, physical, cognitive, sensual, intuitive, cultural and more. Drawing upon the arts in embodied expressions and enactments are ways of "telling the story" in symbolic ways that are able to" hold and contain", to have coexisting within them complex and at times even contradictory elements. The telling of stories and the expression of personal narratives through a wide variety of art forms to a community of witnesses can be a powerful experience for all involved and contributes to new ways of knowing and engagement.
Performance as research then becomes a 'mediating moment' and serves as a bridge between worlds of the known and not known as it emerges into form.

January 20-30, 2022: Colomboscope Contemporary Art Festival
Founded in 2012 by Marinella Senatore, The School of Narrative Dance is a nomadic project that explores the potential of choreography, dance and movement towards collaborative learning and storytelling. At a time when we miss forms of social intimacy and free agency over body practices,  performance artists Hasanthi Niriella and Ashley Fargnoli,  activate The School of Narrative Dance for this edition of Colomboscope #LanguageIsMigrant, to express our collective experience of these socially distanced times and explore collectivity, empowerment and different ways of being together.

Tuesdays, 8pm EST (July-August 2021): Learning to Accept Your Timeline
Addressing age related stressors through humor, lightness and movement. Online group dance/movement therapy, sign up through Sesh

Saturdays, 11:00am EST (July-August 2021): Moving Towards Self-Compassion
We  will explore gentle movement-based practices that will help you foster self-compassion, relaxation and recuperation. Learn tools that will allow you to feel refreshed throughout the day. (Come as you are; no prior movement or dance experience needed!),sign up through Sesh

Mondays, 8pm EST (March 2021)
Riding the Waves of Anxiety: A grounding dance/movement therapy practice. Online group dance/movement therapy, sign up through Sesh

Tuesdays, 8pm EST (March 2021)
Oh Sh*t I’m 29, 30, 31... Addressing age related stressors through humor, lightness and movement. Online group dance/movement therapy, sign up through Sesh

January 30, 2021, 11:30 EST (10pm Sri Lanka)
Beautiful Moments/Sundara Nimesha
A virtual dance collaboration between Abilities Dance Boston and the University of Peradeniya. Reserve tickets here

Tuesdays, 8pm EST (December-February)
Evening Wind Down: A grounding dance/movement therapy practice
Online group dance/movement therapy, sign up through Sesh

May 27, 2020: 12pm EST
Exploring Kinesthetic Empathy
Online group dance/movement therapy, sign up through Sesh

May 18-July 30, 2020: 6:15am EST (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Giving Back to Healthcare Workers, Mindful Movement
Through Battery Dance Company, sign up here

May 1, 2020: 12pm EST
Moving Through Anxiety: A grounding dance/movement therapy practice
Online group dance/movement therapy, sign up through Sesh

October 1, 2019-March, 2020
Fulbright Scholar at the University of Peradeniya
Project: Moving Forward: A Dance/Movement Therapy Approach to Healing in Sri Lanka

December 20, 2019: A Dance/Movement Therapy Approach to Healing Trauma
Keynote Speaker, University of Colombo, Sri Palee Campus

May 10-12, 2019: Grunt Festival Chicago
7 pm, Links Hall, Premiere of work in progress, IMPACT

October 6-7, 2018: Masks and Myths: Devils and Dancers from Sri Lanka

October 11-14, 2018: Valuing “Family” in Work with Immigrants and Refugees: An Imperative for Dance/Movement Therapists Today
Presentation at the American Dance Therapy Conference, Salt Lake City

November 2-5 2017: Politics of Exclusion and Dance of Inclusion
Presentation at the American Dance Therapy Conference, San Antonio

October 13, 2017: Refugees, Resettlement & Restoration: How Creative Arts Therapies Facilitate Safety & Empowerment
Work in progress screening of the film, DMT (working title), at the Expressive Therapies Summit, New York

May 21,2017: Moving Towards Vicarious Resliency
1:00 -3:00 pm: 624 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL

June 17,2017: Performance of Sleeptalk (excerpt)
6:30pm: Going Dutch Festival, 164 Division St. Elgin, IL

February 2017:Body as Resource Brunch and Learn
10:00-12:00: Presented by Ishti, Logan Center for Performing Arts

January 13-15, 2017: Sleeptalk
7:00 pm, Links Hall, Chicago, IL